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Promoting Transparency

The average person's attention span reading an online document is 11 seconds.
Reading the Apple iOS Terms of Service would take you over 2 days.
What if you could ask it questions instead?

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How it Works

Let's face it, nobody reads the terms of service. They're often long, confusing, and filled with legal jargon that's designed to discourage you from reading them. That's where TOS Chat comes in. This AI chatbot lets you ask specific questions about how a company uses your information, empowering you to understand these important documents and make informed decisions about the apps you use. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to transparency.

How it Works
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About Me

I'm an undergaduate student who is passionate about privacy. In today's digital age, it's nearly impossible to avoid using apps and online services that collect our personal information. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't care about our privacy. I believe that every person should, at the very least, understand what companies are making us agree to. TOS Chat is my way of breaking down the barriers that many of these tech companies have tried to erect so that people can be provided with simple and concise explanations of how their personal information and data is being used.

About Me
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